"Holy smokes, the artwork... beyond amazing... I'm giving it a 10 out of 10."

Anonymous wrote...

Hello. My name is ***** ***** and would just like to say that I enjoyed every moment of Angel Boy. I purchased both volumes this past Saturday at Supercon in Raleigh and i went through both of them TWICE on the ride home Sunday. It's amazing that you created such a great and tasteful work of literature by yourself. It truly is a thought-provoking story right of the bat. Volume 1 was a great warmup, but when I got to Volume 2....WOW!! The entire story with Lee and Rezenvelt really hit home in more ways than one. Keep working on that grind of yours as well as Angelboy. I restlessly wait in anticipation for future volumes! Have a great day!

"I really love how its a nice merger from eastern and western influences...
she just has a very cool style to her... A pleasure to read."

Anonymous wrote...

Hello!! I'm not sure if you remember who I am or if there is multiple people behind this, but today at Supercon Florida, around 2pm you wheeled me in by showing me the book 'Angelboy' and normally I don't ever read Manga, I looked at your original art, I glanced through the book and you told me 'whatever you pay you can pay' unfortunately I only had the 12$ in cash. So far I have read more than half of the first volume, all I can say is Amazing... I'm hooked, the art is original and amazing, it's completely different than anything you'd normally find! It was outstanding so far! I can't wait to get my hands on the second book, I hope you keep up the great job and I'm very grateful that I was able to help you and read your masterpiece! 

Sometimes a comic is more of a story, but other times a comic is more of an experience. Very rarely do we see the two of them merged. When they are merged, it’s just so good to go in blind, and this is the kind of situation that Angelboy is. So many of the scenes just pull you in so deep, you forget you’re reading a comic, you just feel like you’re watching a movie... In terms of how much of an experience this is, I would put it on the level of Sandman. That’s how good it is.

I’m an asshole. I will be honest. And I can honestly say ‘I love this book’.
Even with the lettering of the words you can like tell that this person had extreme talent in their artwork. It was incredible, and the story, it was mind-blowing. Like, at first you’re like kind of shocked of how amazing it is.... I fell in love with it. It was perfect.

I also had Kayla read it, and she also really loved it. She read it in one go, and as soon as I got this, I read it in one go.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I just want to say that this manga is truly a master piece! I remember being at the Tampa Bay Comic Con and seeing the few colored pages of the manga. Its like I fell in love with the manga at the first sight I saw it and I hope to be getting Vol.2 as soon as possible! Thank you and I hope to see much more progress in the future. Keep up the great work and thank you again.

--submitted via Tumblr

Anonymous asked:

I met you at Jekyll Island Comic Con and honestly I loved this!!! Ever since I saw the cover I was drawn in, I couldn't wait to get home so I could sit down and read it!!! I love the art!! I can draw but I have no patience or story making capabilities to do what wonderful thing you have done!! I can't wait to pick up vol. 2!! I want to collect them all!! And I loved the ending to vol. 1!! I just had a huge grin on my face!! Keep this up!! you're awesome!!

--submitted via Tumblr

Anonymous asked:

Hii got volume 1 is volume 2 ever going to be published? I really loved the 1st one and i think i would really like to read volume 2. Thank you for a great story

-- submitted via Tumblr